Suggested Reading

There are tons of books that I’m excited to recommend.  Listed here are my favorites that had a profound impact on me.


Loving What Is – Byron Katie

This book changed my life!  Katie’s process called “The Work” is a revelatory way of questioning stressful thoughts and core beliefs.  I’ve attended many events with Katie on different topics and each workshop has an amazing amount of wisdom.  I’d strongly recommend the audio CD version (or Audible) since it’s easier to listen to the conversations Katie has with people.

Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness – Sharon Salzberg

One of my favorite meditation books. Sharon is such a wealth of wisdom. She’s studied with many meditation masters and is full of fantastic stories. I’d recommend any book of hers. She also has a wonderful Youtube channel to listen to her talks.


Silence Speaks from the Chalkboard of Baba Hari Dass

Babaji’s humor and kindness show in all of his books.  This book is a collection of topics that are deeply thoughtful.

Everyday Peace – Baba Hari Dass

A collection of letters to and from Babaji who peacefully offers advice on life situations.  I read this book often and relate to so many of the letters in so many different ways.

Light on Yoga – BKS Iyengar

This book is a incredible resource for me.  The beginning of the book covers all aspects of yoga, has pictures with explaining many poses and in the back has a sequence for beginners.  This is a must read for any practicing yogi.

Yoga Anatomy – Leslie Kaminoff

This book is fascinating to read with all the illustrations and explanations to what happens on a physical level.  I review this book to brush up on my anatomy so that I can better explain muscles, actions and share a deeper understanding of the physical poses.


Honoring the Medicine – Ken Cohen

A comprehensive guide to Native American Medicine with simple healing techniques.  I use this book to create some of the guided meditations I use in my classes.

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